About Me

Dr. Jacob Cherian

College of Business, Abu Dhabi University.

Dr. Jacob Cherian is a Professor of Management with College of Business, Abu Dhabi University since 2007. He has a diversified international experience of 32 years in various positions such as Chairman of Department of Marketing, College of Business Administration, Jeddah, KSA; Head of the Department of Commerce, Rizvi College, Mumbai, India; HRD Manager in Sadaca O & M Group, Riyadh, KSA and R&D Manager, SRPC, Media City, Dubai, UAE. He has also worked as HRD and Export Consultant. He has attained four Masters Degrees of M.Com. M.S.W (University Rank Holder), M.B.A., and M.Phil. and also Ph.D. in Commerce.

He has published more than seventy research papers in International Peer Reviewed Journals out of which 43 are in Q1 publications and has presented several research papers in International conferences. Dr.Jacob is the reviewer and the editorial board member of various International Journals in Business and Management including the Scopus Q1 Journals. He has authored six books in Business Management. During his service in various Universities, he has headed different committees, developed various programs and student projects. The blend of Industrial experience with a strong passion of teaching has contributed immensely in his commitment towards student learning and development. Dr. Jacob is the Golden Visa Holder of UAE.


Educational Background

Shivaji University, Kolhapur – 1999


Major: Commerce
Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Sustainable Human Resource Management
Dissertation Title: Workers’ Perception of Personnel Policies in Selected Tyre Manufacturing Units

University of Mumbai

M. Phil.

Major: Commerce
Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Sustainable Human Resource Management
Dissertation Title: A study of Workers’ Attitude towards Management

University of Wales


Major: Marketing
Supporting Areas of Emphasis: International Marketing
Dissertation Title: Impact of Free Online Digital Publications on Print Media

Shivaji University, Kolhapur


Major: Company Administration
Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Advanced Secretarial Practice
Dissertation Title: Role of Company Secretary on Contemporary Boards

Shivaji University, Kolhapur


Major: Personnel Management and Labour Welfare
Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Industrial Psychology
Dissertation Title: A Study on Absenteeism among the Employees in a Tyre Manufacturing Unit

University of Kerala


Major: Cost Accounting

Indo German Educational Fund


Major: Computer Programming
Supporting Areas of Emphasis: MS Office


Employment History

Professor of Management

Abu Dhabi University

September 2024 – Present

Associate Professor of Management

Abu Dhabi University

September 2013 – August 2024

Assistant Professor of Management

Abu Dhabi University

September 2007 – August 2013

Research & Development Manager

Saudi Research & Publishing Co., Dubai Media City, Dubai.

February 2005 to September 2007

Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Marketing Department

College of Business Administration, Jeddah

September 2002 to January 2005

Human Resource Manager

Sadaca O & M Group Co., Riyadh

September 1999 to September 2002

Senior Lecturer in Commerce
Head of the Department

Rizvi College, Bandra (W), Mumbai

July 1991 to 1999

Lecturer in Commerce

Shri Gauridutt Mittal College, Sion (E), Mumbai

August 1989 to April 1991

Lecturer in Commerce

Thomas Baptista College, Vasai (W), Mumbai

July 1987 to April 1989


Research Interests

Leadership Styles, Cross Cultural Management, Cultural Change Management, Strategic Diversity Policies, Strategic Human Resource Management, Green HRM, International Human Resource Management, Sustainability Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Organizational Behavior, Employees and Organizational Performance, Marketing Management, Green Marketing, Internationalization Strategies, Supply Chain Management.

Research Publications

Yun Liu, Jacob Cherian, Naveed Ahmad, Heesup Han, Marta de Vicente-Lama, Antonio Ariza-Montes (2023). Internal Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Burnout: An Employee Management Perspective from the Health Sector. Psychology Research and Behavior Management. Scopus Q1

Al Badi: Fatma, Cherian, Jacob; Farouk, Sherine; Al Nahyan, Moza.(2022) Work Engagement and Job Performance Among Nurses in UAE’s Public Healthcare Sector” Accepted in  Journal of Asia Business Studies. Scopus Q1

Xin Guan, Naveed Ahmad, Mohammad Safdar Sial, Jacob Cherian, Heesup Han ‘CSR and organizational performance: The role of Pro-environmental behavior and personal values.’ Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Wiley. Scopus Q1

Siming Yu, Jawad Abbas, Susana Alvarez-Otero, Jacob Cherian (2022) Green knowledge management: Scale development and validation. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. Scopus Q1

Long Yang, Jacob Cherian, Muhammad Safdar Sial, Sarminah Samad, Jongsik Yu, Youngbae Kin, Heesup Han (2022) Advancing the debate on hotel employees’ environmental psychology by promoting energy-saving behavior in a CSR framework. Frontiers in Psychology. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.990922/abstract Scimago Ranking Q1

Long Yang, Jacob Cherian, Muhammad Safdar Sial, Sarminah Samad, Jongsik Yu, Youngbae Kin, Heesup Han (2022) Advancing the debate on hotel employees’ environmental psychology by promoting energy-saving behavior in a CSR framework. Frontiers in Psychology. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.990922/abstract Scimago Ranking Q1

Kalpina Kumari, Jacob Cherian, Yuwei Deng, Ubaldo Comite Comite, Sarminah Samad, Jawad Abbas, Zoltán Lakner, József Popp (2022) Family and Academic Stress and their Impact on Students’ Depression Level and Academic Performance. Frontiers in Psychiatry. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.869337/abstract  Scimago Ranking Q1

Shao, J.; Cherian, J.; Xu, L.; Zaheer, M.; Samad, S.; Comite, U.; Mester, L.; Badulescu, D. A CSR Perspective to Drive Employee Creativity in the Hospitality Sector: A Moderated Mediation Mechanism of Inclusive Leadership and Polychronicity. Sustainability 2022, 14, 6273. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14106273 Scopus Q1

Xu, L.; Cherian, J.; Zaheer, M.; Sial, M.S.; Comite, U.; Cismas, L.M.; Cristia, J.F.E.; Oláh, J. The Role of Healthcare Employees’ Pro-Environmental Behavior for De-Carbonization: An Energy Conservation Approach from CSR Perspective. Energies 2022, 15, 3429. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15093429 Scopus Q1

Jing Sun; Jacob Cherian; Dasong Deng; Ali Gokhan Yucel; Muhammad Safdar Sial; Qinghua Fu. The Relationship Between Rail Transit on Industrial Agglomeration: Mediating Effect of Labor Agglomeration. Frontiers in Environmental Science. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fenvs.2022.875914/abstra Scimago Ranking Q1

Fu, Q.; Cherian, J.; Rehman, K.-u.; Samad, S.; Khan, M.A.; Athar Ali, M.; Cismas, L.M.; Miculescu, A. Enhancing Employee Creativity in the Banking Sector: A Transformational Leadership Framework. Sustainability 2022, 14, 4643. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14084643 Scopus Q1

Zhang, J.; Cherian, J.; Abbas Sandhu, Y.; Abbas, J.; Cismas, L.M.; Negrut, C.V.; Negrut, L. Presumption of Green Electronic Appliances Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Personal Moral Norms. Sustainability 2022, 14, 4572. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14084572 Scopus Q1

Fu, Q.; Cherian, J.; Ahmad, N.; Scholz, M.; Samad, S.; Comite, U. (2022) An Inclusive Leadership Framework to Foster Employee Creativity in the Healthcare Sector: The Role of Psychological Safety and Polychronicity. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health Scopus Q1

Deng, Y.; Cherian, J.; Kumari, K.; Samad, S.; Abbas, J.; Sial, M.S.; Popp, J.; Oláh, J. (2022) Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Job Performance of Working Mothers: Mediating Effect of Workplace Deviance. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health Scopus Q1

Deng, Y.; Cherian, J.; Ahmad, N.; Scholz, M.; Samad, S. (2022) Conceptualizing the Role of Target Specific Environmental Transformational Leadership between Corporate Social Responsibility and Pro-Environmental Behaviors of Hospital Employees. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health Scopus Q1

Sial, Muhammad Safdar, Jacob Cherian, Abdelrhman Meero, Asma Salman, Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman, Sarminah Samad, and Constantin Viorel Negrut. (2022). Determining Financial Uncertainty through the Dynamics of Sukuk Bonds and Prices in Emerging Market Indices. Risks Scopus Q1

Zhang, J.; Cherian, J.; Parvez, A.M.; Samad, S.; Sial, M.S.; Ali, M.A.; Khan, M.A. Consequences of Sustainable Agricultural Productivity, Renewable Energy, and Environmental Decay: Recent Evidence from ASEAN Countries. Sustainability 2022, 14, 3556. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14063556 Scopus Q1

Xuelin Bu, Jacob Cherian, Heesup Han *, Ubaldo Comite, Felipe Hernández-Perlines, Antonio Ariza-Montes. Proposing employee level CSR as an enabler for economic performance: The role of work engagement and quality of work-life.  Sustainability 2022, 14, 1354. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14031354 Scopus Q1

Li, B.; Fan X.; Álvarez‐Otero, S.; Sial, M.S.; Comite, U.; Cherian, J.; Vasa, L. CSR and Workplace Autonomy as Enablers of Workplace Innovation in SMEs through Employees: Extending the Boundary Conditions of Self‐Determination Theory. Sustainability 2021, 13, 6104. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13116104 Scopus Q1

Muhammad Safdar Sial, Jacob Cherian, Susana Alyarez Osero, Ubaldo Comite, Malik Shahzad Shabbir, Stefan Gunnlaughsson, Mosab Ismail Tabash (2021) Nexus between Sustainable Economic Growth and Foreign Private Investment: Evidence from Emerging and Developed Economies. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment (TSFI), Taylor & Francis. Scopus Q1

Wu, Q.; Cherian, J.; Samad, S.; Comite, U.; Hu, H.; Gunnlaugsson, S.B.; Oláh, J.; Sial, M.S. The Role of CSR and Ethical Leadership to Shape Employees’ Pro-Environmental Behavior in the Era of Industry 4.0. A Case of the Banking Sector. Sustainability 2021, 13, 9773. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13179773 Scopus Q1

Ma, R.; Cherian, J.; Tsai, W.-H.; Sial, M.S.; Hou, L.; Álvarez-Otero, S. The Relationship of Corporate Social Responsibility on Digital Platforms, Electronic Word-of-Mouth, and Consumer-Company Identification : An Application of Social Identity Theory. Sustainability 2021, 13, 4700. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13094700 Scopus Q1

Wang, C.; Deng, X.; Álvarez-Otero, S.; Sial, M.S.; Comite,U.; Cherian, J.; Oláh, J. Impact of Women and Independent Directors on Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: Empirical Evidence from an Emerging Economy. Sustainability 2021, 13, 6053. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13116053 Scopus Q1

Cheng, C., Cherian, J., Sial, M. S., Zaman, U., & Niroumandi, H. (2021). Performance assessment of a novel biomass-based solid oxide fuel cell power generation cycle; Economic analysis and optimization. Energy, 224, 120134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.120134 Scopus Q1

Su, Y., Cherian, J., Sial, M. S., Badulescu, A., Thu, P. A., Badulescu, D., & Samad, S. (2021). Does Tourism Affect Economic Growth of China? A Panel Granger Causality Approach. Sustainability, 13(3), 1349. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031349 Scopus Q1

Cherian, J., Safdar Sial, M., Tran, D. K., Hwang, J., Khanh, T. H. T., & Ahmed, M. (2020). The Strength of CEOs’ Influence on CSR in Chinese listed Companies. New Insights from an Agency Theory Perspective. Sustainability, 12(6), 2190. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12062190 Scopus Q1

Cherian, J., Umar, M., Thu, P. A., Nguyen-Trang, T., Sial, M. S., & Khuong, N. V. (2019). Does corporate social responsibility affect the financial performance of the manufacturing sector? Evidence from an emerging economy. Sustainability, 11(4), 1182. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11041182 Scopus Q1

Gulzar, M. A., Cherian, J., Hwang, J., Jiang, Y., & Sial, M. S. (2019). The impact of board gender diversity and foreign institutional investors on the corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagement of Chinese listed companies. Sustainability, 11(2), 307. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11020307 Scopus Q1

Gulzar, M. A., Cherian, J., Sial, M. S., Badulescu, A., Thu, P. A., Badulescu, D., & Khuong, N. V. (2018). Does Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Corporate Tax Avoidance of Chinese Listed Companies?. Sustainability, 10(12), 4549. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/12/4549 Scopus Q1

Sial, M. S., Zheng, C., Cherian, J., Gulzar, M. A., Thu, P. A., Khan, T., & Khuong, N. V. (2018). Does corporate social responsibility mediate the relation between boardroom gender diversity and firm performance of Chinese listed companies? Sustainability, 10(10), 3591. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/10/3591 Scopus Q1

Cherian, J., & Pech, R. (2017). The impact of corporate social responsibility on the workforce of selected business firms in the United Arab Emirates: A nascent economy. Sustainability, 9(11), 2077. http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/9/11/2077 Scopus Q1

Huong, P. T., Cherian, J., Hien, N. T., Sial, M. S., Samad, S., & Tuan, B. A. (2021). Environmental Management, Green Innovation, and Social–Open Innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(1), 89. https://doi.org/10.3390/joitmc7010089 Scopus Q1

Cherian, J., Gaikar, V., Paul, R., & Pech, R. (2021). Corporate Culture and Its Impact on Employees’ Attitude, Performance, Productivity, and Behavior: An Investigative Analysis from Selected Organizations of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(1), 45. https://doi.org/10.3390/joitmc7010045 Scopus Q1

Cherian, J., Jacob, J., Qureshi, R., & Gaikar, V. (2020). Relationship between Entry Grades and Attrition Trends in the Context of Higher Education: Implication for Open Innovation of Education Policy. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(4), 199. https://doi.org/10.3390/joitmc6040199 Scopus Q1

Irfan, M., Cherian, J., Abdul Rahman, A. A., Haddad, A. M., Sial, M. S., Ali, B., & Brugni, T. V. (2022). Measuring the Impact of Air Pollutants on Ecological Footprint, Forest Area and Cropland. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 12(1), 444–452. https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.12631 Scopus Q1

Ning, Y., Cherian, J., Sial, M.S. et al. Green bond as a new determinant of sustainable green financing, energy efficiency investment, and economic growth: a global perspective. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-18454-7 Scopus Q1

Li, Q., Cherian, J., Shabbir, M. S., Sial, M. S., Li, J., Mester, I., & Badulescu, A. (2021). Exploring the relationship between renewable energy sources and economic growth. The case of SAARC countries. Energies, 14(3), 520. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14030520 Scopus Q1

Guping, C., Cherian, J., Sial, M. S., Mentel, G., Wan, P., Álvarez-Otero, S., & Saleem, U. (2021). The Relationship between CSR Communication on Social Media, Purchase Intention, and E-WOM in the Banking Sector of an Emerging Economy. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(4), 1025-1041. https://doi.org/10.3390/jtaer16040058 Scopus Q1

Yu, S., Sial, M. S., Shabbir, M. S., Moiz, M., Wan, P., & Cherian, J. (2020). Does higher population matter for labour market? Evidence from rapid migration in Canada. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/1331677X.2020.1863827 Scopus Q1

Jiang, L., Cherian, J., Sial, M. S., Wan, P., Filipe, J. A., Mata, M. N., & Chen, X. (2020). The moderating role of CSR in board gender diversity and firm financial performance: empirical evidence from an emerging economy. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/1331677X.2020.1863829 Scopus Q1

Muhammad Safdar Sial, Jacob Cherian, Asma Salman, Ubaldo Comite, Phung Anh Thu, Talles Vianna Brugni (2021) The role of carbon accounting in carbon management system: Empirical evidence from the coastal areas of the world. Journal of Public Affairs, Wiley Scopus Q1

Sun, H., Rabbani, M. R., Sial, M. S., Yu, S., Filipe, J. A., & Cherian, J. (2020). Identifying Big Data’s Opportunities, Challenges, and Implications in Finance. Mathematics, Scopus Q1

Rababah, A., Al‐Haddad, L., Sial, M. S., Chunmei, Z., & Cherian, J. (2020). Analyzing the effects of COVID‐19 pandemic on the financial performance of Chinese listed companies. Journal of Public Affairs. Wiley Scopus Q1

Alkaabi, Alanood; Cherian, Jacob; Davidson, Ross. (2022) Is private schooling worth it? A study on the relationship between Cost, Quality and Student Achievement in the Private Schools” Published in International Journal of Educational Management. Emerald Publications. Scopus Q1

AlShehhi , Moza; Cherian, Jacob; Farouk, Sherine; Al Nahyan, Moza (2022) ‘Influential Dynamic Capabilities and Small and Medium Enterprises’ Internationalization Success: Mediating Role of International Entrepreneurial Orientation’ published in Review of International Business and Strategy, Emerald publication. Scopus Q.2

Cherian, J., Jacob, J., Farouk, S. Abdel. All. (2017) A Review on Carbon Trading: New Age Enterprise for Sustainable Development and Profitability with special reference to UAE. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development. Vol.13 No.2, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1504/WRSTSD.2017.084172 Scopus Q2

Avraam Papastathopoulos, Panayiotis Koutsouvelis, Cherian, J., Robert Pech. (2019) New opportunities, challenges and realities for the media industry in Greece: an empirical examination of the effects of the financial crisis and digital technologies on Media Business Performance. International Journal of Business Performance Management (IJBPM), Vol. 20, No. 1, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJBPM.2019.096465 Scopus Q3

Cherian, J. ., Jacob, J., Farouk, S. Abdel. All. (2017). Impact of Sustainable Human Resource Practices on Organizational Performance. International Journal of Management and Applied Science. Volume-3, Issue-8, Aug.-2017. http://www.iraj.in/journal/journal_file/journal_pdf/14-393-150849846034-39.pdf Scopus Q3

Farouk Abdel All, S., Cherian, J., Shaaban, I. (2017) Low cost carriers versus traditional carriers and its impact on financial performance: A comparative study on the UAE airlines companies, International Journal of Value Chain Management. Volume 8, N0.4 2017. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJVCM.2017.089375 Scopus Q3

Jacob, J., Cherian, J. (2015). Sustainability Management for Reducing the Health Hazards in the Indoor Swimming Pools of UAE. Asian Social Sciences. Vol.11, No.15; 2015, 124-135. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ass.v11n15p124 Scopus Q3 (2015); ABDC – C

Cherian, J., Jacob, J. (2013). Analysis of Attitude towards Online and Print Publications: A case study among university students. Asian Social Science, Vol. 9(1), 52-59. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ass.v9n1p52 Scopus Q3 (2015); ABDC – C

Jacob, J., Cherian, J. (2012). A Study of Problem Based Learning Approach for Undergraduate Students. Asian Social Sciences, 8(15), 157-164. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ass.v8n15p157 Scopus Q3 (2015); ABDC – C

Cherian, J., Jacob, J. (2012). Impact of Nationality on Employees’ Perception towards Human Resource Management Policies. Asian Social Science, 8(15). http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ass.v8n15p31 Scopus Q3 (2015); ABDC – C

Cherian, J. P., & Jacob, J. (2012). Green marketing: a study of consumers’ attitude towards environment friendly products. Asian Social Science,  Scopus Q3 (2015); ABDC – C 

Jacob, J., Cherian, J. P. (2013). Review of Environmental and Human Exposure to Persistent Organic Pollutants. A.S Sciences, 9(11), 107-120. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ass.v9n11p107 Scopus Q3 (2015); ABDC – C

Cherian, J., Jacob, J., & Farouk, S. (2019) Sustainable business through carbon financing with a special reference to UAE banks. Pollution Research, Scopus Q4

Cherian, J., Jacob, J., Farouk, S. Sustainable Development through Carbon Trading Mechanism in the UAE context (2019). Pollution Research Vol.38, Issue , 2019; Page No. (127-135) http://www.envirobiotechjournals.com/journal_details.php?jid=4 Scopus Q4

Cherian, J., & Farouk, S. (2019). Impact of green HR practices on environmental sustainability of a UAE based organization. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, Scopus Q4

Cherian, J., & Vilas B, G. (2020). An empirical study on impact of sustainability-oriented total quality management practices on organizational performance in UAE based organization.  International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD). Scopus – Not yet assigned Quartile.

Cherian, J., Vilas B, G., & Raj P, P. (2020). Do leadership styles impact organizational performance in the UAE context? International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), Scopus – Not yet assigned Quartile.

Cherian, J., Vilas B, G., & Raj P, P. (2020). Impact of Web Content on Profitability and Market Share of Selected Newspapers: A Case Study of United Arab Emirates (UAE). International Journal of Management, Scopus – Not yet assigned Quartile.

Cherian, J., Farouk Abdel All, S. (2015). Proliferation of E-Newspapers and Its Financial Impact on the Publishing Industry in UAE. International Journal of Economics and Finance. Vol. 7, No.3; 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijef.v7n3p194 ABDC – C (2015)

Cherian, J. (2015). Cherian, J. P. (2015). Emergence of Digital Publishing – A Great Challenge to the Print Publications. Procedia Economics and Finance. Volume 23, 2015, Pages 576-586 https://doi.org/10.1016/S2212-5671(15)00361-5 ABDC – C (2015)

Cherian, J., Farouk Abdel All, S. (2013). Impact of Human Resource Accounting on organizational performance. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 5(8), 74-83. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijef.v5n8p74 ABDC – C (2013)

Cherian, J., Farouk Abdel All, S. (2013). Does effective leadership style drive financial performance of banks? Analysis in the context of UAE banking sector. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 5(7), 105-114. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijef.v5n7p105 ABDC – C (2013)

Cherian, J. P., & Jacob, J. (2013). Impact of self-efficacy on motivation and performance of employees. International Journal of Business and Management, ABDC – C (2013)

Farouk Abdel All, S., Cherian, J., Jacob, J. (2012). Green Accounting and Management for Sustainable Manufacturing in Developing Countries. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(20 (2012)), 36-43. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijbm.v7n20p36 ABDC – C (2012)

Cherian, J., Jacob, J. (2012). Green HR Practices and Its Effective Implementation in the Organization: A review. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(21 (2012)), 25-33. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijbm.v7n21p25 ABDC – C (2012)

Cherian, J., Jacob, J. (2012). Management Models of Municipal Solid Waste: A Review focusing on Socio-Economic Factors. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 4(10), 131-139. : http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijef.v4n10p131 ABDC – C (2012)

Jabeen, F., Cherian, J., Pech, R. M. (2012). Industrial Leadership within the United Arab Emirates: How Does Personality Influence the Leadership Effectiveness of Indian Expatriates?. International Journal of Business & Management, 7(18), 37-48. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijbm.v7n18p37 ABDC – C (2012)

Cherian, J. (2011). A case study of impact of online media on print media of SRPC. Advances in Management, vol.4 (6)(June ed.,), pp 56-62 https://www.worldresearchjournal.com/mngmnt.aspx ABDC – C (2012)

Non Academic Journals

Cherian, J. (2006). Use of semantic scale in research of publishing business. MEPA Journal, 5(5), 5-6. http://www.mepa.cc

Cherian, J. (2006). Market segmentation in a publishing market. MEPA Journal, 4(4), 6-7. http://www.mepa.cc

Cherian, J. (2006). Methods of determining publishers’ advertising appropriation. MEPA Journal, 3(3), 5-6. http://www.mepa.cc

Cherian, J. (2006). Positioning of a new magazine in the publishing market. MEPA Journal, 2(2), 8. http://www.mepa.cc

Cherian, J. (2006). Perceptual Mapping of selected magazines with multidimensional scaling (MDS). MEPA Journal, 1(1), 5. http://www.mepa.cc


Conferences, Presentations and Proceedings

Cherian. J. (2021) Keynote Speaker of the Inaugural Session and had delivered a talk on strategies to enter international market in One Day International E-Conference on “E3: Empower, Elevate & Excel” held on Saturday, 27th November, 2021. Organized by IQAC , Dept. of Commerce & Dept. of Computer Science & Information Technology, Bharat College of Arts and Commerce, Badalapur, Thane, India.

Cherian.J. (2021) Keynote Speaker, Online International Symposium on ‘Challenges and Opportunities of International Business’ July 14th, 2021.Department of Economics, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi, India.

Cherian, J. (2020, September 4). Global Challenges and Economic Development in the 21st Century. International Interdisciplinary Conference. Federal Polytechnic Ekowe Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

Cherian, J. (2020, May 3). Role of Economy and Ecology in Sustainable Development. One Day Online International Interdisciplinary Conference. Arts & Commerce College, Phondaghat, Kankavli, Sindhudurg, Maharashtra, India.

Moza Tahnoon Al Nahyan, Sherine F. Abdel All, Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter) The International Conference on Organization and Management (ICOM) 2019. “Impact of Green HR practices on environmental sustainability and organizational performance of UAE based organizations” College of Business Administration, Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi. (June 12, 2019).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter), International Academic Conference on Economics, Business and Social Sciences –Tbilisi, Georgia, June 23, 2018 “The Role of Cultural Diversity and How they Impact Work Team Performance” Scopus – Not yet assigned Quartile.

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter), International Conference on Economics and Business Management (ICEBM) “ Impact of sustainable human resource practices on organizational performance” Hong Kong (June 28, 2017)

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter), 40th International Business Research Conference. “An Empirical Study of Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Employees’ Behavior”. Dubai, UAE (January 10, 2017)

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter), International Conference on Economics and Business Management (ICEBM) “ Impact of sustainable human resource practices on organizational performance” Hong Kong June 28, 2017.

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter), 40th International Business Research Conference. “An Empirical Study of Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Employees’ Behavior”. Dubai, UAE (January 10, 2017)

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter), 5th World Conference on Business, Economics and Management, “Sustainable business through environmental financing with a special reference to UAE Banks” Kemer, Antalya, Turkey. (May 14, 2016).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter), 5th World Conference on Business, Economics and Management, “Sustainable business through environmental financing with a special reference to UAE Banks” Kemer, Antalya, Turkey. (May 12, 2016).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter) Farouk Abdel All, S., Fourth Abu Dhabi University Annual Research Conference, “Sustainable Business Practices amongst UAE business organizations,” Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Abu Dhabi. (November 26, 2015).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter) The International Conference on Organization and Management (ICOM) 2015, “Innovative Management Practices: Challenges & Opportunities in the 21st Century,” College of Business Administration, Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi. (November 22, 2015).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter) International Conference for Academic Disciplines, “Online Printing for a Sustainable Development,” International Journal of Arts and Science, Prague, Czech republic. (July 14, 2015).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter) Sustainable Production and Consumption – Research, Policies and Practices workshop, “Sustainable Production and Consumption – Research, Policies and Practices,” College of Business Administration, Abu Dhabi. (March 22, 2015).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter), 3rd World Conference on Business, Economics & Management “Proliferation of E-Newspapers and Its Financial Impact on the Publishing Industry in UAE” Rome, Italy. (April 11. 2014)

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter) Farouk Abdel All, S., EXPO 2020, “Sustainability and profitability through Green Business Practices in UAE,” National Research Foundation, Dubai. (December 7, 2014).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter) International Conference for Academic Disciplines, “A Study of Consumer’s Attitude towards Sustainable Marketing,” International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Harvard Medical School, Boston. (May 26, 2014).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter) 3rd World Conference on Business, Economics and Management, “Emergence of Digital Publishing – A Great Challenge to the Print Publications,” Rome, Italy. (April 9, 2014).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter), 2nd Abu Dhabi University Annual Research Conference, “Impact of Nationality on Employees’ Perception towards Human Resource Policies,” Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi University. (April 24, 2013).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter), International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, “Environmental Accounting and Management for Developing Countries,” APCBEES, Phuket, Thailand. (September 2, 2012).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter), International Journal of Arts & Science 2012, “Environmental HR Practices and Its Effective Implementation in the Organization,” IJAS, Gottenheim, Germany. (December 2, 2012).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter), International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference for Academic Disciplines, “Green Marketing “A Study of Consumers’ Attitude Towards Environment Friendly Products”,” IJAS, Rome. (October 29, 2012).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter), International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, “Environmental Accounting and Management for Developing Countries,” APCBEES, Phuket, Thailand. (September 2, 2012).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter), international Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences, “A Study of Sustainability of Print Media with the Influx of Online Media,” Middlesex University, Dubai. (November 27, 2011).

Cherian, J. (Author & Presenter), Research Symposium in Business and Economics, “Impact of online on Print media,” Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi, UAE. (February 24, 2011).


Books & Publications

Cherian, J.P. (2021). “Sustainable Business Practices.” Kripa Drishti Publications, Pune.
Cherian, J.P. (2020). “Multichannel Publishing: From the consumer’s perspective.” Kripa Drishti Publications, Pune.
Cherian, J.P. (2019) “Changing attitudes of people at work.” Amitesh Publishers, Pune.
Cherian, J.P. (2012) “Online vs Print Media.” Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
Cherian, J.P. (2011) “Psycho Social Aspects of Human Behavior.” Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
Cherian, J.P. (2003) “Export Marketing.” Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.

Research Grants (internal and external)


Cherian, J. P., Farouk Abdel All, S. Al Nahyan, Moza “A study of the relationship between dynamic capacities and different aspects of international entrepreneurial orientation and financial performance in selected SMEs in the United Arab Emirates” Abu Dhabi University, AED 39,500.00. (April 3, 2023 – April 2, 2025)


Cherian, J. P., Jacob, J., Farouk Abdel All, S.”Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organizational Performance of Selected Companies in United Arab Emirates in the midst of COVID 19 Pandemic”. Abu Dhabi University, AED 20,000.00. (December 1, 2020 – August 31, 2022)


Cherian, J. P., Jacob, J., Farouk Abdel All, S.”Enhancing the Student Satisfaction and Ethnic Tolerance among ADU Students through Cultural Programs” Abu Dhabi University, AED 20,000.00. (December 12, 2019 – August 1, 2021).


Cherian, J. P. “Impact of Corporate Culture on Employees performance in boosting the productivity in UAE based companies” ” Abu Dhabi University, AED 5,000.00. (December 1, 2018 – August 1, 2020).


Cherian, J. P., Farouk Abdel All, S.”Impact of Sustainable Human Resource Management Practices on Corporate Financial Performance: An Empirical Study among UAE based Companies” Sponsored by The Center on Sustainable Business Processes, Abu Dhabi University, AED 10,000.00. (December 1, 2016 – September 1, 2018).


Cherian, J. P., Jacob, J., Farouk Abdel All, S., “Sustainable Business through Carbon Finance with Special Reference to Banking Sectors of UAE,” Sponsored by The Center on Sustainable Business Processes, Abu Dhabi University, AED 24,000.00. (December 1, 2015 – September 1, 2018).


Cherian, J. P., Farouk Abdel All, S., “An Empirical study on Sustainable Business Practices amongst UAE business organizations,” Sponsored by Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Abu Dhabi University, AED 20,000.00. (December 1, 2014 – August 31, 2016).


Awards and Accolades

Milestone Award for completing 10 years of service in Abu Dhabi University.

Abu Dhabi University


Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Oral Presentation in International Academic Conference on Economics, Business and Social Sciences,

Tbilisi, Georgia


Chancellor’s Appreciation Award

“Author of Two Books”

Abu Dhabi University

July 30, 2009

Chancellor’s Award for

“Lover of Books”

Abu Dhabi University

July 30, 2009

Distinguished Teaching Award

Rizvi College of Arts, Science & Commerce

for the Academic Year 1997-98

Merit Award for

Top Scorer in M.S.W Examination

Shivaji University

during 1984-1985

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